Couple making out in bed

Why Is Sex Important?

Sex can bring many benefits, and it can also be a bond that maintains a relationship with your partner. Sex brings us many benefits, such as relieving stress, improving sleep, bringing happiness, and even losing weight. Maybe you don’t realize it at ordinary times, but today I will introduce here why we need sex and what benefits it can bring us. If you are interested, keep reading.

Why is sex important?

Sex is an important part of a relationship, but is it always necessary? No, it doesn't have to be, it depends on everyone's perspective. So why is it important? Sex can bring us many benefits, and it is also good for our health. It is also a part of a relationship that will be involved to a large extent. At the same time, sexual relations also affect the health and beauty of a relationship.

What are the benefits of sex

1. Reduce Stress

Sex is a great way to relieve stress because it boosts endorphins and other hormones that relieve stress. Focusing on the process of sex and temporarily putting other things behind you can also be very helpful in relieving stress.

2. Improve Sleep

Usually after sex, we release prolactin and oxytocin, which will make us feel tired and sleepy. At the same time, sex can also make us sleep better, which is why many couples choose to do it before going to bed. Sex. If you don’t have a partner, don’t worry, you have a lot of sex toys to choose from. This is a way to free your hands and improve sleep at the same time. Why not?

3. Relieve Pain

Sex can relieve pain, yes you heard that right. Endorphins are produced during sex, which not only increase feelings of happiness and connection, they can also relieve pain. This is also the reason why many people choose to have sex during menstruation. If you are interested, you can also try it.

4. Enhance Mutual Connections

Oxytocin is produced during sex, which increases bonding and connection between partners and builds trust. Sex is also an important part of a relationship, especially for men. Therefore, sexual relations affect the relationship between partners to a certain extent. Harmonious and exciting sex can make the relationship closer and trust each other, which is also a way to enhance love.

5. Bring Happiness

Sexual stimulation, and sexual intercourse can make people feel pleasure. Most sex will bring people pleasure, except for some special circumstances or insufficient sexual lubrication, which leads to pain during intercourse. So it is very important to choose lubricant during sex. I recommend water-based lubricant to you. It is safe and suitable for most situations. Using lube not only reduces friction but also makes sex more pleasurable. At the same time, the release of some hormones during sex will also make us happier. Consensual, high-quality sex makes people happier, according to one study.

Couple making out in bed

6. Lose Weight

Sexual intercourse is a form of exercise, so of course it can burn calories to achieve the effect of weight loss. Research shows that 30 minutes of sexual activity can burn 200 calories, so isn't this a great way to exercise?

7. Looking Younger?

Yes, it sounds confusing that sex makes you look younger, like I'm making it up to talk about the benefits of sex, but it's true. During sexual intercourse, blood flow will increase to the face, and blood vessels will dilate, making your complexion look rosy and translucent. At the same time, it can reduce stress and improve sleep. These combined factors will make your skin and mood better, so You will look younger.

But there is a limit to any behavior. Remember not to engage in sexual activities that exceed your body's tolerance for any specific purpose. As I have said, sexual behavior has so many benefits. In daily life, we should maintain some positive attitudes towards sex and openly embrace our desires and demands. So is there an ideal frequency for sex?

Is there an ideal frequency of sex?

It depends on each couple, and age-related. Studies have shown that there is a correlation between the frequency of sex and happiness, but it does not mean that more sex means happiness. The average frequency of sex for adults is about once a week, and the frequency of sex will continue to decrease as age increases. Although the frequency of sexual intercourse for the elderly will decrease, it does not mean that the sex life of the elderly is unimportant.

This is just official data. You need to explore and discover the specific frequency of sex that suits you. Of course, you should act according to your ability. The frequency that suits you is the best.

Final Thoughts

Sex can bring many benefits to our body and the relationship, so maintaining a certain frequency of sex is important for maintaining the relationship and relationship. If you are not satisfied with the frequency of sex with your partner, remember to be open and honest with your partner Communicate.

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